The Future Minerals Forum (FMF) is the world's premier platform for minerals. FMF stands at the forefront of global industry connections, bringing together governments, international organizations, and stakeholders to collectively shape the future of minerals.
Mr. Hambro is CEO of Verdigris Strategic, a metals and mining focused advisory and investment business. Verdigris has demonstrated capabilities in project and asset advisory for a range of leading metals, mining and investment groups as well providing dedicated advice as manager and co-owner of a specialist mining investment fund.
Prior to Verdigris, Mr. Hambro was Chair, CEO and CIO at a range of large multinational mining groups and before that a manager at HSBC Investment Bank and NM Rothschild & Sons. In Mr. Hambro’s roles he has deployed c.US$10bn in organic growth and development projects focussing on aluminium, bulk commodities, steel and renewable energy. He has found, built and operated two large mining operations as well as led the M&A and strategy programme taking a small group of 40 to close to 40,000 employees worldwide. He has accessed over US$20bn in finance for mining, metals and energy projects as principal and advisor as well as created a leading aluminium and energy business.
In 2020, Platts handed Mr. Hambro the ‘Rising Star’ award in their annual metals ceremony for his role in the global aluminium and mining sector. Grant Thornton appointed Hambro as a ‘Face of the Vibrant Economy’ to recognise his contribution to the growth of clean green power generation for energy intensive industrial users.