The Future Minerals Forum (FMF) is the world's premier platform for minerals. FMF stands at the forefront of global industry connections, bringing together governments, international organizations, and stakeholders to collectively shape the future of minerals.
Dr. Svetoslav Georgiev is an Assoc. Professor and Director of the Geological Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – the largest research organization in the country focused on all aspects of Earth Sciences. He obtained his BSc and Msc diplomas in geology at Sofia University, Bulgaria and a PhD in Earth Sciences at ETH-Zurich, Switzerland. His international career involved research and academic positions at the Geological Survey of Norway, Colorado State University (USA) and KFUPM (Saudi Arabia), before heading the Geological Institute (Bulgaria) in 2022. His primary research interest include igneous, sedimentary and petroleum geochemistry and geochronology, volcanology, reconstructing paleoenvironments throughout Earth’s geologic history, and others. He is also the coordinator of a recently launched 5-year national research program “Critical minerals for green transition and sustainable development”, funded by the Bulgarian government.